Certified Recycling

  • Auditable & Transparent

    Customers can trust in our process, where all material is tracked in our inventory system throughout the globe and only the audited downstream network is used for materials reclamation. All Wisetek facilities carry local and international standards, such as R2, eStewards, and WEEELabex.

  • Destructive Recycling

    Wisetek are committed to the enhancement of our environment, and engage with all of our clients seeking to employ the circular economy principles. We do however recognize that assured destruction is necessary on some occasions and provide a full suite of destruction and recycling services for our clients.

  • Environmental Reporting

    We provide full reporting of material using our robust inventory tracking system. This includes a comprehensive report for inbound equipment as well as full reporting by commodity of the resultant. This provides re-assurance to our clients as well as supporting their individual Sustainability Reporting needs.

  • Zero Landfill Policy

    Wisetek’s zero landfill policy is at the center of all our recycling services. We understand the need to identify, evaluate and select new technologies and solutions so that we and our clients can avoid sending material to landfill. We are proud that all our production operations target and achieve zero landfill, and we continue to work with all our partners to investigate and provide improved solutions to our clients.

Our Certifications

Proud partners of WEEE Ireland

Wisetek are the leading WEEE Ireland premier service partner for secure B2B recycling of waste electronic equipment and data sanitisation.

Certified Recycling

IT equipment today which cannot be recovered for re-use provides companies with conflicting challenges. The important question is: How do you maximize the value recovery of your old equipment whilst ensuring that any toxic or hazardous materials are correctly and appropriately processed?

Wisetek provides such a service – a one stop solution for redundant IT equipment, ensuring that such material is certifiably recycled, with materials recovered and value maximized.